Educational Games For Boys

Educational Games For Boys

Educational Games for Boys – Did you know that the benefits of games for boys are not just entertainment. To support the baby’s growth and development, mothers can start giving toys to children aged 1 year from an early age.

Educational Games For Boys

Educational Games For Boys

bywinki – There are many types of games for boys that really interest him and stimulate his abilities. For inspiration, check out the various educational games for boys in the article below, Mom!

10 Puzzle Games for Boys

There are various kinds of educational games for boys that you can give to your child. Here are some of them:
All boys love playing with cars. This boy’s game is very suitable for him. Mom can get a taxi.

This type of toy will train your child’s leg strength, as well as practice his hand skills in controlling vehicles. While playing with cars, your little one’s imagination is also trained.

Another different game for boys is Lego. This type of toy is liked by many small shops because it allows them to learn to assemble individually until they get the desired shape.

Lego games can train imagination, increase creativity, sharpen the brain and train children to learn to understand objects. Because assembling Lego is complicated, it’s best to accompany your little one to play, Mom.

Puzzle Game
This children’s game will teach him to sharpen his brain and learn to solve puzzles. This game can also train children’s hand and eye coordination in placing puzzle pieces on the floor to form them correctly.

With puzzles, your little one also learns to be patient, focused and never give up until he succeeds in putting all the pieces together. You should choose the type of puzzle based on your child’s age and abilities.

Musical instrument
Music has been proven to be very effective for children, so experts recommend musical instruments as educational games for boys and girls.

Listening to music stimulates children’s brains to increase intelligence. Apart from that, musical instruments can increase children’s creativity in arts and crafts, you know, mothers.

So don’t hesitate to give it as a game for your little one. Musical instruments such as guitars, drums, or toy keyboards can be used as a substitute for your child’s games.

You can also give this traditional toy to your child. Besides, dragons are also like child’s play. Even though there are many technical games, this game is still very exciting and challenging to play with children.

Your little one learns to fly a kite and control it so it doesn’t fall. It’s so simple, but so fun to play in the yard or on the beach.

Sports are one of the boys’ favorite pastimes. For example, playing soccer is one of the game choices for boys which has many benefits for your child.

One of the big benefits of this game is that it can train children’s motor skills. Your child’s foot skills can be trained when kicking the ball, while his hand skills can be trained when throwing or kicking the ball.


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Playing outside is very healthy for the body. Ask your little one to circle around the complex. This activity allows the child’s motor system to be trained as they learn to walk and control a bicycle wheel.

Not only that, your little one also learns direction, balance and sense of direction. By playing bicycle, your little one’s body will recover because it becomes stronger.

Remote Control Toys
For boys’ games, mothers can also provide remote control toys. While playing this game, children can practice their hand-eye coordination.

Not only that, his knowledge is also growing because he has to master racing with remote control.

Artificial sand
Mom, playing with artificial sand is now popular. Just like playing with sand on the beach, your child can use the mold to make various shapes.

Your little one can also drive heavy vehicles such as excavators, bulldozers or sand trucks as if they were on a construction project. It’s a pleasure to help you think, ma’am.

Playing with artificial sand also trains children’s motor skills while holding the sand in their hands to make it look beautiful.

Hide and seek game
Lastly, a game of hide and seek to help your child grow and develop. This game has many benefits for girls and boys besides being fun.

The benefits of playing hide and seek include teaching cooperation with peers and developing toddlers’ interpersonal skills by teaching children about resilience and curiosity in playing with other people.

Various toys that can be given to boys

Toys and activities can teach children hand-eye coordination. They have to pay close attention while turning bowling balls into pawns. With this type of play, boys learn the skill of finding ways to fit their toys into their activities.

Building toys
Of course, kids love playing with Legos and other similar toys. Children’s imagination will be taught with this building game. They learn to think and create what they want through this kind of toy.

Music and Arts
Boys want to watch videos of someone playing them on their phone or TV and want to try them out. Musical toys teach boys to recognize sounds that are fun to listen to, learn to sing and understand music. Apart from that, also get toys such as a whiteboard or stationery. With this type of toy, children can express their feelings through various words, pictures or words.


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Tips for choosing toys for children

1. Choose toys according to age
The age should be appropriate to the child’s interest in choosing toys and his interest in sports. The 7 year old boy was bored with his puzzles and wanted to play with more complicated toys. Another reason is that his mind and body are developing and he may think that some toys are no longer suitable. 2. Choose the type of toy
There are many types of toys for boys to choose from. Apart from considering the toys he likes, also consider the educational value or benefits of the toy for the child’s growth and development. For example, giving children a scooter helps children develop motor skills.

3. Choose a group game
Friends and peers can develop children’s emotional and social skills. Therefore, providing toys for children to play with is also beneficial for children’s growth and development. For example, the game of catch the ball.

4. Provide toys that are useful for everyday use
It’s also a good idea to give children toys to help them understand daily activities. For example, give your child a toy workshop set so he can learn to repair other toys.

Christian Williams

Christian Williams